Virtual Event

Using Meaningful Data to Make Things Better: Exploring the Experiences of New Students with No Transfer Credits To Improve Retention in the Early-Course Sequence?
Posted by: Heather Hussey
Type of Event: Virtual
Event On: 07 Apr 2023, 12:30 PM Eastern
Hosted by: Online
Cost: FREE
All are invited to join us for a discussion surrounding how data are used to inform continuous improvement at National University. In an effort to bring the continuous-improvement cycle to life, the discussion will center on recent research aimed at increasing retention in the early-course sequence completed collaboratively by the Office of Assessment, Planning, and Strategic Research (OAPSR), Office of Curriculum and Accreditation, Data Operations, and School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences. As opposed to a traditional research presentation, this discussion will explain what happens at each step of the continuous-improvement cycle, emphasizing several data-informed improvements that have been or will soon be implemented. Recording: Passcode: W?hV2N1T