Past Events

HBCU-CEEQA Annual Convening
2024 Theme: Re-Committing Ourselves to Excellence: Mobilizing our Visi...
In person

Avoiding the Zombie Report: Redefining the Roles of Assessment Professionals in a World of AI
Our distinguished speaker, Dr. Natasha Jankowski, brings decades of ex...

Mapping the Response to AI and Its Impact on Assessment Redesign through Document Analysis
As AI transforms assessment, policy plays a crucial role. Don't miss t...

Integrating Students in Assessment through AIR-Assessment Impact Representatives
Explore what it takes to integrate students into the assessment proces...

Interviewing Equity Action Makers, a Grand Challenges Project
Members of the Grand Challenges in Assessment Project will introduce h...

Community + Belonging = Persistence: How National University is Transforming the Online Experience with Digital Communities
Join us on Wednesday, April 3rd at 1 pm MDT to hear from Dr. Errin Hey...
Assessment on April Fools Day - Making Assessment Fun
Explore ways that two campuses are creating a culture of assessment wh...

Assessment: Back to the Future -- 11th Annual Conference of the Assessment Network of New York (ANNY)
The theme of our 11th Annual Conference is "Assessment: Back to the Fu...
In person

Using Meaningful Data to Make Things Better: Exploring the Experiences of New Students with No Transfer Credits To Improve Retention in the Early-Course Sequence?
All are invited to join us for a discussion surrounding how data are u...

The journey to the simplification of assessment; Alignment with strategic planning and budgeting
This session will share where UHCL and SMU are in the journey towards ...

Tools and Time: What Faculty Really Need to Conduct Program Level Assessment
In this presentation, you will learn several methods on how to give fa...

Deep Data Insights: A Smarter Approach to Improving Educational Outcomes
The strategy of making data-informed decisions when designing initiati...

Assessment, Higher Education, and the Essential Connectedness of Everything
In this presentation, Hunter College’s Director of Assessment, Joel ...

Leveraging Smartsheet to Streamline Processes
Smartsheet is a cloud-based project management and collaboration softw...

Improving your Institutional Assessment through the Blackboard Juried Assessment Tool
Are you looking for ways to ease your institutional assessment activit...

Digital types of Formative Assessment in the Classroom
Oftentimes, student outcomes within a course are assessed using final ...

SAAL Open Course on Applying and Leading Assessment in Student Affairs
registration for SAAL’s free, assessment open course is officially o...

10th Annual SLO Symposium
We are excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming two-day, 1...

Data mining community and workshops
Each Thursday from 2-3 ET a free workshop is held, oriented toward dat...