Virtual Event

Tools and Time: What Faculty Really Need to Conduct Program Level Assessment
Posted by: Kristen Linton
Type of Event: Virtual
Event On: 06 Apr 2023, 10:30 AM PST
Hosted by: Zoom
Cost: FREE
In this presentation, you will learn several methods on how to give faculty tools and time to engage in meaningful program level assessment. The presenters, Kristen Linton (Academic Assessment Director & Associate Professor) and Elizabeth Sowers (Program Review Coordinator & Associate Professor), met with 18 faculty for 9 weeks in the 2022-23 academic year to discuss assessment at California State University Channel Islands in what this campus refers to as Faculty Inquiry Projects. Needs expressed by faculty could be placed into two broad categories: tools and time. Tools included big picture information, such as cohesive Institutional Learning Outcomes, Program Learning Outcomes, and Student Learning Outcomes, and practical skills, such as a way to collect data that does not require a lot of extra work to time for already strained faculty. Presenters will share templates on curriculum mapping and Canvas Outcomes, an assessment tool embedded in the Learning Management System, that was provided to faculty. Time included explicit space and time to discuss assessment with program faculty. Suggestions included Assessment Day, which is modelled after the K-12 system which has in-service days in which faculty plan assessment together. Faculty meetings were discussed as an option but were not as desirable as other necessary information often took priority. Sign Up Below to get the Zoom link.